Micro alloyed steel with high tensile strength, good machinability and weldability.
The grade is characterized by:
Ovako 280T is mainly used for hydraulic cylinders and machine components:
- Suitable for case carburizing or nitriding
- Good dimensional stability
- Fine-grain treated
- Delivered in as-rolled, normalized or quenched and tempered condition
- Weldable if preheated
- Carbon equivalent; CE = 0.46 - 0.60 (according EN1011-2:2001)
Ovako 280T has good welding properties and can be welded with all conventional welding methods. The low carbon equivalent means that 280T can be welded without preheating up to fairly large dimensions.
- For the best results welding should be continuous, and the weld should be slowly cooled in ambient air conditions.
- To minimize the effects of a mixed zone, the chemical composition of the filler metal should be similar to that of the base material.
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